Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Times Square, Myeongdong and a Cat Cafe?


Today, I went to Catholic University to meet 태윤 (Thommy) again as well as a friend who came from America the day before and was starting classes at the university. I met Thommy and went to where he was staying and hungout and met some of his friends while we were waiting to pick up Ruby from her class. When it came time to pick her up we went and met her at her classroom and then assisted her in exchanging money at the bank then went to lunch. After lunch we went back to campus where Ruby had a quick introduction to the university and her housing situation and then payed her dormitory fee and then parted from Thommy where I took her to 'Times Square', which is like the Mall of America in Korea. It is about eight stories high and stretches out about three blocks. Getting there was a little bit of a challenge but finally managed to find the place. Inside was huge and kept going up. I went to Kyobo Bookstore where I found a few notebooks and pens for school and then after we decided to leave for Myeongdong. At Myeongdong, I took Ruby to a really good noodle and dumpling restaurant, same place where I took my cousin, and had a plate of really good mandu.

After a filling dinner we wandered around Myeongdong for a little while enjoying the nightlife and shops. I bought a few things and then found a KPOP (Korean pop music) store where Ruby went on a spending frenzy buying a stack of CDs. I will never understand the reason why the music is so popular to foreigners but apparently it is that good where someone would spend almost $120 on CDs. Anyways, after the KPOP store we walked around a little bit longer and then saw an advertisement to a cat cafe. Curious of what it was Ruby and I went to it and discovered that is was a cafe where you drink coffee and play with cats. It seems a bit odd and it is but it seemed like a creative concept. After the cat cafe it was time to head back home so we go onto the subway and Ruby got off first and then I headed the rest of the way home.


Stack of CDs

Times Square

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