Friday, June 1, 2012

One Week Before.... (1주전)

As the departure date approaches, I am feeling a mix of emotions. I feel both excited but at the same time nervous because I do not know what to expect or what the outcome of the experience will be.

As some of you may know (or not?) that I will be traveling to Korea for the summer to intern at a summer camp run by the organization called, 청소년과 놀이문화연구소 (Institute of Light Finders). Some background about the camp is that my family knows people in Korea who are partners with the YMCA in  the United States and sends kids to attend various YMCA camps within the United States every summer. In Korea the camp is structured like YMCA camps here in the US but gives Korean children the opportunity to have a similar experience as in the United States.

The camp is called 메아리 여름 캠프 (Echo Summer Camp). The structure of the camp allows every age group of kid to participate. There are three types of camps that children can participate in; Residential camp (3nights 4days), Residential and Wilderness camp (5nights 6days), Outdoor and wilderness camp (6nights 7days).The whole camp lasts three weeks (7-22/8-11) so I hope I can make the most out of the whole experience.

Thanks for reading!

I will do my best to keep this blog updated! Stay tuned for more posts.

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