Saturday, June 16, 2012

June 13th, 2012

Today, I woke up early and had a nice breakfast prepared by Young-sook again. I then was escorted by Dae-bum to the nearest subway station, Gwangnaru, to make my way to Omokyo where I was to meet Joseph. At noon, I finally made it to Omokyo and met Joseph and began to become acquainted. Together we spent most of the day out-and-about, Joseph showing me around the neighbourhood he lived in. I did not realize it but Joseph's parents were going to Jeju-do for a few days which meant that we were going to be home alone for the night. Despite the high 80 degree weather we walked to the top of a mountain-like hill where there was a basketball court and soccer field. We played a little basketball and soccer together and the quit after a couple hours because of the extreme heat. Jospeh invited two more of his friends to join us however they were stuck in school and were not able to make it. After the excercise I told Joseph that  I needed to buy a cell phone and was very helpful in assisting me with my broken Korean to buy one. After successfully finding a phone I tried to activate it however I did not have the proper identification to do so and so I will have to wait till later to activate. After the attempt Joseph took me to a bookstore to look around for a little bit. After looking Joseph suggested going to  짐찔방(a Korean spa with multiple temperature saunas and a bath) where we could relax and refresh ourselves. We were in 짐찔방 for a few hours and then went back to Joseph's house and settled in for the night. After a long adventrous day I crashed at around midnight.

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