Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 1 (처음날)


Day 1, I woke up at a normal time (8am), not feeling too jet lagged. I at a nice breakfast prepared by Young-sook, which consisted of; rice, kimchi and an egg soup. After eating breakfast I was escorted by a guy named Dae-bum who is a full-time staff at the the organization that runs the summer camp. He was very nice and showed my how to get from Kuk's house to the office where other staff work to prepare for the summer camp, located near Gwangnalu subway station. When we arrived at the office we were greeted by a big sign in the window saying, "We <3 Charles Olsen", I was a little drawn back by the greeting but upon meeting the staff they all seemed very welcoming. 

I stayed around the office for a few hours talking to the other staff in my broken Korean but when I was talking I really realized how much of a culture shock I was facing. After waiting around the office I wanted to go look for a cell phone so that I  could actually communicate with people withing Korea. I was taken to the nearest tech market however the level with all the electronics was closed so I ended up taking the bus back to Kuk. 

When I met Kuk he told me about a family that he knows and that they have a son that is the same age as me and that we should meet. So Kuk called Joseph (the son) and made a meeting time. Joseph's parents are missionaries and so he lived in America for seven years and is fluent in English which made communication a lot more easier. 

After Kuk finished up his work we went to pick up Young-sook at Seoul Womans' University and I had a smoothie and was able to meet a few of Young-sook's students who were intrigued that I had learned Korean at a Korean language camp in Minnesota. After the meeting we got some chicken and went back to Kuk's house to eat and watch Korea vs. Lebanon Asia World Cup qualifer soccer match. The game was well played, Korea winning 2-0. After watching the match I was tired from jet lag and went to bed. 

Looking forward to meeting Jospeh the next day....

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