Saturday, August 11, 2012

Free Weekend

July 27 ~ July 29th

After finishing the first camp, I went home and rested so that I could have energy to meet my cousin, Lauryn (who is teaching English here in Korea), her mother, and some of her friends who came to Korea to visit Lauryn. 

I woke up a little late Friday morning, had a quick breakfast, and scrambled out of the house so that I could meet Lauryn's mother (Pam) and friends (Mike and Gina) to the school that Lauryn is teaching at. I met Pam and friends in front of their hotel (in between Dongdaemun and Myeongdong) at around 11am and then guided them to the subway station and made our way to Lauryn's school. We arrived at Lauryn's school an hour later where we were greeted by her students and Lauryn's co-teacher. We had a lunch of spaghetti with the class and then watched Lauryn teach for a little bit. After Lauryn finished the class went to the gym to play and Lauryn gave all of us a tour of her school and met some of her co-teachers. Gym time ended at around 2:30pm and Lauryn had to get back to her class so we left and I decided to take Pam and friends to Namdaemun Market. Pam and friends were amazed with the amount of stuff there was and bought a few things. After getting tired of walking around in the heat I took them to the nearby Shinsaegae Department Store where Gina and Mike found some really good chicken to snack on and Pam bought some scones to snack on. I took Pam and friends to the 12th floor where there was a Starbucks Coffee so we sat down and enjoyed some cold drinks and the air conditioning. At around 5pm we walked to Myeongdong, a few blocks from Namdaemun, where we walked around some more looking at the shops. We met Lauryn in Myeongdong after she finished school and had dinner at the really good dumpling restaurant I mentioned a few posts back. After a good meal I had to go back but made plans to meet again the next day. 

Saturday, July 28th

I met Lauryn, her mother and friends in Gangnam for lunch at an Italian restaurant where I had pasta and pizza (a long time since I have had that). We walked around Gangnam together for a little bit after lunch then I had to leave so that I could meet another friend so that we could go together to a good-bye party for a Korean camp counselor. It wasa nice get together seeing people I have not seen in 2+ years. I stayed the night with one of the staff and his famliy and then left the next day. To meet Lauryn and family again once more before I begin my second week of camp. 

Sunday, July 29th 

After going to church with the SupHo (Korean camp) counselor in Gangnam I made my way to Namsan Tower where I met Lauryn and friends who finished cli,bing to the top of Namsan Mountain. After cooling down a little I took them to Insadong where we had dinner of bulgogi (marinated gilled beef) and kimbop (rice and vegetables rolled in a seaweed wrap). After dinner we walked down Insadong street and browsed at some things for gift ideas. After walking to the end of Insadong we took the subway where Lauryn and friends parted and I went back home. 

Overall it was a busy weekeend but I enjoyed seeing some family on the other side of the world and meeting old friends as well. 

Until next time.... 


Lauryn's Family and Class

첫나들이 캠프 1차


 July 23rd ~ July 26th

첫나들이 캠프 1차 (First Time Camp), this camp had kid in the age range of 1st grade through 3rd grade. My position was mainly behind the scenes doing dishes and cleaning up after each activity. I also was the soccer teacher so I got to run around in the hot summer weather. Because the weather was so hot there were plenty of water games and a pool for the kids to play in to cool down. There was also a nearby stream that the leaders took the kids to and played some more. I can say that it was an overall good first time counselor experience and a good start for the upcoming camps.

Jeung Pyeong- the city where the campsite was

The Turtle Wash House

Meeting Hall

Soccer Field


Places to Sit and Rest - We also set tents up for the kids to sleep for the night

I found his glasses classy

Song Time

Sunday, July 22, 2012

To the East and Back


I left early afternoon to first meet a friend, Jeong, who I met during the leadership camp. We met at Gangnam and went to Kyobo Tower and wandered around the bookstore for a few hours. Around 5pm we were both hungry so we found a restaurant and had a good meal of 닭볶음 (A sort of chicken stir fry). After dinner we stopped by a Dunkin' Doughnuts and grabbed a cup of coffee and talked about each others lives in America. (Jeong is a college student in Texas) At around 8pm Jeong had to leave so we finished our coffee and went our own ways. I headed to Seoul Station to catch a train to the airport where I would meet Marco. 

Marco is a part of a Korean traditional drumming group (갯마당 Getmadang) from Sokcho and came to Minnesota in February to teach a workshop to our drumming group, Shinparam, and really inspired everyone to practice drumming more. I got to the airport at around 10pm and waited about 20 minutes for Marco to get through customs. After meeting Marco we walked to his car and began the three hour drive east. We stopped at a rest stop on the way and had a quick mid-night snack of ramen and 소고기국수 (beef soup). After the quick bite we continued the rest of the drive to Sokcho. 

Point A to Point B

 We arrived in Sokcho at around 2:30am and was greeted by Marco's wife at their apartment. I showered and was in bed at 3:30am. 


I woke up at around 7:45am had a quick breakfast and then went with Marco to the elementary school that he teaches at. We arrived at Marco's first school at 10am sharp and went to the first class of first graders who were filled with energy and excited to have an hour of playing games. At the end of the first class we Marco and I moved to the second classroom of third graders also excited to have an hour of playtime. The third and final class was a class of sixth graders who found it intriguing that I was from America and could speak English. Marco finished the classes at around noon we had lunch in the school cafeteria and then went to the second school. 

The second school was also another elementary school but at this school Marco teaches his speciality, Korean drumming. Because of the weather the students drummed inside for a little bit but then cleared up and so they strapped on their drums and headed outside to practice their dancing. I was amazed at the coordination that the elementary school students were capable of, however there were a few stragglers but as a whole they were obedient to the leaders and followed directions very well. Marco made them practice until they had everything perfect and good order and by the end of the class everyone was hot and wanting to go indoors. At the end of the lesson the school administration came around with ice cream to refresh after a hot practice. 

When Marco finished up at his second school we went to visit one of his friend's who is a hair stylist. We hung around the saloon for a few hours and then had a mid afternoon snack of 냉면 (Cold noodles) and then left to go see Marco's son perform in his school's talent show. We picked Marco's wife and his daughter up and went to his son's school. The talent show started at 7pm and consisted of each grade performing together. One was with a type of yo-yo on a long string to spinning plates on a stick. It was all very well done for elementary school students. At the end of the show we all moved out to the exercise field where they prepared a big campfire. The fire was lit from the top of the school with a ball of fire sliding down a string straight into the fire which lit in seconds, it kind of reminded me of the Olympics. During the campfire the families played games with their students and had a good time. Because it was the day before the summer break the students were going to have a camp out in their meeting hall so we left Marco's son and then headed to a 고기집 (Restaurant that specials in various kinds of meat). We ordered some 갈비 (beef slices) and grilled them in the in-table grill. It was really tasty. Marco as he was cooking the meat constantly dozed off because of his jet lag so he stopped and went to the car to sleep while we finished up eating. We finished and then went back to Marco's apartment we I slept fast because of the small amount of sleep the night before. 


I woke up at 8am had breakfast and then headed out again with Marco to another school that he teaches at. It was the last day of school before the summer break so the students took it easy through the whole day playing games and preparing for their performance that afternoon. At 11:30 there was an assembly to give awards to the students' performance academically and within the community. At the end of the ceremony we began to set chairs up for the afternoon performance. As we were setting up chairs Marco introduced me to the students who instantly we amazed that I was from America and more dumbfounded that my English was so good. Instant celebrity moment..... 

Anyways, after setting up Marco and I had lunch with the second graders. During lunch we had a pepper eating contest to see who could eat the hottest pepper. I tried two one was not too bad but the second one made my eyes water and my mouth was in flames. Each of the students in the class tried a piece of the pepper and one by one got up and ran to the sink and put their mouths under the water to cool off their mouths. It was a fun time and I was more amazed that such little kids had the courage to try such a thing. 

Shortly after lunch it was time for me to leave so Marco called Hye-yoon to come pick me up from the school and take me to the bus terminal. I caught the 2:40pm bus back to Seoul and arrived at 5:30pm and then went immediately to Lotte where I was to meet Kami (same school and grade), Jin (acquaintance) and Lisa (same school freshman). We all met on the 11th floor of the department store and had dinner at an Indian restaurant. After dinner we went downstairs and had some frozen yougurt for desert. Once we finished our desert it was closing time so the workers told us that we had to leave so we went to the subway entrance to say goodbye to Kami. When Kami left Jin, Lisa, and I walked to Sincheon to enjoy the nightlife the turned around to head to where Lisa stays. Lisa left at around 10 and then it was Jin and I. We took the subway back to Sincheon had a mid-night snack of 갈비 (beef) over the table grill and then went to Jin's apartment where I stayed the night because it was too late for me to go back home. 


After staying the night at Jin's place I left at around noon and headed back home. I made it home back mid-afternoon and stayed in the rest of the day to relax and prepare for camp the next week. 

I had a good trip to Sokcho and I hope to go back for a longer time once camp ends. 


The View of the East Sea

Elementary School Marco Teaches At



Friday, July 13, 2012

지도자 캠프 (Leadership Camp)


The last few days I have been away at leadership learning about the camp I will be working at and training on how to be a good leader. All of the staff that will be working at the camp so I met and found some new friends. There is also a staff member who is the same age and we will be working together at two camps so I look forward to that. 

During the camp, as we learned how to become good leaders, we did a variety of team building activites. Because of the hot weather we did a lot of things in the water in a near-by creek and pool. We planned activities that we will be doing during the camp for the kids, for example; arts and crafts and cooking. I was also assigned the camps that I will be working at (look below). 

첫나들이 1차 캠프[First time campers) (7/23~7/26) 
어린이 배낭여행 캠프 [Childern's backpacking trip] (7/30~8/4)
청소년 캠프 [Teenage camp] (8/6~8/11) 

I look forward to my scheudle and the new experiences that I will have. 

A couple things that I learned at the leadership camp is that what matters the most is the relationship that you create with other staff and campers. The difference from America is that relationships really matter here and that it builds trust between people which allows people to work harder and better as a team. I learned a lot at the camp and hope to apply it to my future. And I look forward to working with kids at the camp. 



 P.S. Don't forget to checkout my picture gallery for more pictures.

Making Jeon as a Group

Roasting Sausage and Fish Over a Campfire on a Rainy Day

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Picture Gallery

I will continue to upload some pictures onto this blog however this gallery will consist of all of the pictures I have taken. You can press the slideshow button at the top left panel to have a little show of my adventures.

Bookmark this link so that you can continue to follow my journey. 


Work Begins...

It has been a few days since I have updated, so here are a few things that I have been doing. 

(7-3) I met Jason (who worked at Camp Fitch in Pennsylvania for the last 15 months) and his family and had an American style dinner consisting of; hamburgers, salad, and fruit. Jason has a wife and two daughters 주은 (Juneun) and 고은 (Geoeun). After dinner we went to the 팔당호, which is the place where the Han river comes together from the north and south and then splits Seoul to the west. (Pictures below) 

(7-4) I met a friend (Ruby, lives in Minnesota as well and met at Korean camp in 2011) and went to Namdaemun. We walked around the market looking at various of things and got Ruby some new glasses. After walking around I wanted to show Ruby what a Korean department store was like so we went to Shinsaegae. (Note: Korean departemnt stores are not like the ones in America the have several floors.) We started in the basement which was the food court where Ruby spotted a Jimmy Rocket's and she wanted some french fries so she orderded them and ate. After finishing her fries we started our treck upwards. Once we reached the top floor, 12 stories high, Ruby was amazed of how high that it went. On the top floor we had Starbuck and then went down and walked to Myeongdong. At Myeongdong we walked around some more and Ruby bought some more CDs. Ruby needed a phone as well however there were no shops near Myeongdong so I took her to Gangnam where we found a shop and got her a phone. After successfully activating her phone we went to a 만두 (dumpling) restaurant. I have 떡만두국 (dumpling soup) and Ruby had 튀만두 (Fried dumpling). We ate well. After dinner it was time to part so I directed her way back to her station and we left. 

Entrance to Shinsegae



(7-5) Today, I went with the staff of the organization that I will be working for to 증평 (Jeungpyeong), about 1.5 hours south of Seoul.

There is the place where the camp is stationed. While we were there we had lunch and then explored around the area to find some activities to do while the kids are at camp. After finding a couple things we went to the campsite which it was pouring rain but we still walked around. We looked for a place to set up an archery area and a place to set up tents for the elementary kids to campout for one night. Successfully completing all of the tasks we headed back home. 

(7-6) I spent most of the day at home just resting and preparing to go to 풍기 (Punggi) with Kuk and his son Sang-su-ri. Kuk has a friend who asked Kuk to lead a workshop for high school students. We left the house at around 6pm and headed south. We arrived in Punggi at around 9pm, had dinner found a hotel and slept for the night.

(7-7) We woke up early and were met by some of Kuk's friends who took us to a nearby church that had a big gym like space where the workshop would take place. The students arrived at 9am and the workshop began. During the workshop Kuk had the students do a various of group and partner activities. The students were a year younger than me and found it intriguing that I was participating with them. The workshop lasted until noon and then the the student had to leave. I exchanged contact information with some of the students and I hope to keep in contact with them in the future. 

A few thoughts from the expereience:
-The relationship between students is way different than in America. Where in Korea high schools are usually seperated by genders and the class is always together because they stay in one classroom for the whole day. So the relationship is much closer both personally and physically ("skinship"). I think that the close knit relationships that the students form really shows how much students in Korea rely on the their peer and the vital role the play for each other. 

After the workshop I went with Kuk and his friends to have lunch and after his son and I went to 부석서 (Buseok Temple), which is a Buddhist temple from the 600s. There secenery was beautiful and I took lots of good picture. (Below) After the visit Sang-su-ri and I went to pick up Kuk and then headed home. We stopped for dinner and had 순대 (pig stomach soup) it was not my favorite food and I think the name just explains itself so I won't go into detail but I politely forced it down. Once I finished eating we left and headed home.

Jason and His Family

Han River North and South Meet

A Stray Boat

The View from the Campsite

Me and One of the Staff

Traditional Korean Blacksmith

Big Drum Hanging Inside One of the Buildings

Map of the Area

The Description About Buseoksa

Map of the Area

View from the Top

Monday, July 2, 2012

여기저기 (Here and there)

The last few days have been busy, continuiously running around Seoul meeting friends. 

(6-27)-  In the afternoon, I met 현정선샌님 (Hyeonjeong- last year's Korean teacher) at Gangnam station. From there we went to have lunch and then to 교보문고 (Kyobo Bookstore) where we looked for the story that was going to be told at Sup Sogui Hosu (Korean Summer camp) this year. Finding the book we browsed around for find some things to buy for the camp store. We found a few new additions that the villagers will like. After finishing buying things at Kyobo we went to a cafe where Hyeonjeon showed me her paper that she is working on for her Master's degree. While reading and editing some of her paper, I realized how much dedication she put into the camp as a whole. 

Some backgound on Hyeonjeong that I found amazing was that she has been on staff as Sup Sogui Hosu for nine years (counting this summer). Her first year on staff she was attending college for a degree in accounting but after her first year she went back to college and completely change her major to Korean language education. And now nine years later she is still as passionate (if not more) for the education of Korean language to write an essay for her master's degree. It makes me amazed how much Sup Sogui Hosu has not only changed the people that attend the camp but the staff that work at it as well. I am so apprecaitive of everyone who dedicated their lives to the camp. 

Anyways, after finishing reading Hyeonjeong's paper it was time for her to leave. We said goodbye and that we would see each other the next day for the new staffs' orientation.

(6-28)- I went to 안양(Anyang) where I met last year's Korean teacher from Sup Sogui Hosu and Thommy. Together we all met with the new Sup Sogui Hosu staff and went though some pre-departure orientation so that they had some idea of the philosophy behind the camp and Concordia Language Villages as a whole. We also went over camp rules and policy. Sitting though the orientation I realized all of the work the staff at Sup Sogui Hosu put in to make the camp a good expereience. It makes me feel proud to have attended such a unique camp where people dedicate their time to teaching the Korean language and culture. 

After the orientation, we parted ways and I wished everyone well and to have a good time at Sup Sogui Hosu. I then went with Thommy to Catholic University where I met some of his friends and went out for some fried chicken. After the meal we went to play some pool. We played a few matches and then decided to go back to the dorm for the night.

(6-29)- Waking up late because Thommy and I went to bed pretty late we went to have a cup of ramen for brunch and a little after that I decided that I should head home. 

I reached 잠실역 (Jamsil station) and realized it was still early so I called 우연 (Lisa, freshman friend) from school to see if she could hangout for a little while. She came at around 5pm where her mother dropped her and her sister, (우정, English name Cindy), off and rushed off to visit on of her friends. So, I was left alone with both of them. We walked around the underground shopping center for a little while and then eventually headed to Lotte where we walked around the skating rink because of the hot weather. We found an arcade where Cindy played a few games then we decided that it was time to eat so we went to have dinner. I had 떡만두국 (Rice cake and dumpling soup) and Lisa and Cindy shared 자짱면 (black bean sauce on top of noodles). After the good dinner we wondered around some more around Lotte Mart doing a little bit of window shopping and then ended at a cafe where we waited for Lisa's and Cindy's mothers' call. Their mother came at around 9pm and picked them up. I took the bus home and then realized that it was a down pour so I walked a little bit thinking I could make it but realized that the rain was too much as I called Kuk (host father) to come pick me up. I arrived home a little wet but happy I did not walk the whole way. 

(6-30)- I woke up to the sound of strom rain hitting the house and realized that it was still down pouring like the night before. I had a good breakfast and then left to meet some more friends. I thought I could brave the rain again but was wrong once again. However, as I was about to call Kuk a really nice ajummah (middle-aged lady) drove up beside me and offered me a ride to the bus stop. Thankful for the offer I got in and she drove me to the bus stop. I was very thankful for her and thanked her multiple times when I got out. Reaching 잠실역 (Jamsil station) I took the subway a few stops in to 삼성역 (Samseong station) where I was to meet 진기 (Willie) and 효은 (Michelle). 

I met both of them in front of Coex Mall and had lunch at Mr. Pizza. The pizza was pretty good (Note: Korean pizza is very different from American for example Korean pizza has potatos and corn on it) and after lunch we wandered around Coex and decided to go see a movie. When we went to the theater we realized that none of the movies we wanted to see were at ideal times so we skipped the idea and went to 잠실역 (Jamsil station)- Lotte. At Jamsil we walked around some more looking around, mostly hanging around the ice rink--refreshing, and then went to Red Mango where we had 달끼빙수 (Strawberry shaved ice desert). 

After the desert Willie insisted on going to the arcade so we followed him and played a few games. Willie ended up winning one game and got two stuffed animals for it and gave one to me(?). At four I had to go to a music fundraiser that Kuk was hosting so I took the subway up near 서울여대 (Seoul Woman's University), where in a little church near the university was where fundraiser was being held. At the fundraiser there were music performances, my favorite was the Korean drumming because I knew the music there were playing. Their performance was well played and did a good job. 

At the end of the performance we headed home after a long day of running around. 

(7-1)- Today I went to church with Kuk's son 상수리 (Sang-su-ri). His church is located near Yongsan and is a mega-church. He told me that the church is made up of mostly young people, no older than mid-thirties, and has about 50,000 attendees. When I saw the church it was no joke that it was a mega-church. I got an information brochure about the church and saw that there are five services every Sunday and that there are five different buildings that the church owns. After church I left to meet a friend however did not show up because she got tied up in something that took longer than anticipated so in that time I wandered exploring around Coex again. At 5:30pm I left to meet the old credit facilitator at Sup Sogui Hosu. 

I arrived at 압구정역 (Apgujeong station) where I was met by 영미선생님 (Youngmi) and she took me out for dinner. I had 불고기 (Bulgogi, marinated BBQd beef). After the delicious dinner she took me to her apartment where I met her husband and 현우 (Hyunwoo, who I have known from Sup Sogui Hosu since he was six years old) Hyunwoo has grown a lot and is very active in sports, in school and even plays the cello, Youngmi told me. Hyunwoo and I went to a nearby park where we played soccer for a a couple hours. At 8:30 we were both pretty worn out so we headed back to the apartment. Back at Youngmi's house she quickly heated up some more bulgogi and I had a second dinner with Hyunwoo. After eating I watched Hyunwoo play some baseball on the computer. Because Hyunwoo had school the next day we went to bed at around 11. 

(7-2)- I woke up at around 9am where no one was at the apartment so I had a 팥빵 (bread filled with red bean) for breakfast and then waited for Youngmi to return. When she returned we went out together where she showed me around the 동대문 (Dongdaemun- east gate) area. We had lunch at a little restaurant where I had 돌솥비빔밥 (Rice and vegetable and egg mixed together in hot stone bowl) which was vey good. After lunch Youngmi and I went to Home Plus Super Market where she bought me a few snacks to eat later and then headed to a cafe where we were to meet some old Sup Sogui Hosu teachers. 

At the cafe 순애 (Soonae), 정혜 (Jeonghye), and 미경 (Mikyoung) came. We all had a good time visiting together catching up after not seeing each other for a few years. Jeonghye's office was right above the cafe we were at so she showed me around where she worked. She works at a studio where she teaches elementary aged kids performing skills using creativity. After the good visit it was time for everyone to leave so we all left and Soonae excorted me to the subway station. I reached Jamsil and did some quick shopping and then quickly headed home. 

Some Cows on My Walk to The Bus Stop

Apartments in The Distance

My Bus

My Bus Stop

삼실역 입구 (Jamsil Station Entrance)


View From 16th Floor Cafe in Anyang


Thommy and New Sup Sogui Hosu Staff, Minsung

Lunch, Pizza and 떡볶이 (Spicy rice cakes)

Mr. Pizza, KPOP Themed Pizza

Strawberry Shaved Ice Desert

Willie and Michelle

New Backpack



반찬 (Side-Dishes)

정혜누나 (Jeonghye)

순애누나 (Soonae)

Can't Go to Korea Without 빼빼로