Friday, July 13, 2012

지도자 캠프 (Leadership Camp)


The last few days I have been away at leadership learning about the camp I will be working at and training on how to be a good leader. All of the staff that will be working at the camp so I met and found some new friends. There is also a staff member who is the same age and we will be working together at two camps so I look forward to that. 

During the camp, as we learned how to become good leaders, we did a variety of team building activites. Because of the hot weather we did a lot of things in the water in a near-by creek and pool. We planned activities that we will be doing during the camp for the kids, for example; arts and crafts and cooking. I was also assigned the camps that I will be working at (look below). 

첫나들이 1차 캠프[First time campers) (7/23~7/26) 
어린이 배낭여행 캠프 [Childern's backpacking trip] (7/30~8/4)
청소년 캠프 [Teenage camp] (8/6~8/11) 

I look forward to my scheudle and the new experiences that I will have. 

A couple things that I learned at the leadership camp is that what matters the most is the relationship that you create with other staff and campers. The difference from America is that relationships really matter here and that it builds trust between people which allows people to work harder and better as a team. I learned a lot at the camp and hope to apply it to my future. And I look forward to working with kids at the camp. 



 P.S. Don't forget to checkout my picture gallery for more pictures.

Making Jeon as a Group

Roasting Sausage and Fish Over a Campfire on a Rainy Day

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