Saturday, August 11, 2012

Free Weekend

July 27 ~ July 29th

After finishing the first camp, I went home and rested so that I could have energy to meet my cousin, Lauryn (who is teaching English here in Korea), her mother, and some of her friends who came to Korea to visit Lauryn. 

I woke up a little late Friday morning, had a quick breakfast, and scrambled out of the house so that I could meet Lauryn's mother (Pam) and friends (Mike and Gina) to the school that Lauryn is teaching at. I met Pam and friends in front of their hotel (in between Dongdaemun and Myeongdong) at around 11am and then guided them to the subway station and made our way to Lauryn's school. We arrived at Lauryn's school an hour later where we were greeted by her students and Lauryn's co-teacher. We had a lunch of spaghetti with the class and then watched Lauryn teach for a little bit. After Lauryn finished the class went to the gym to play and Lauryn gave all of us a tour of her school and met some of her co-teachers. Gym time ended at around 2:30pm and Lauryn had to get back to her class so we left and I decided to take Pam and friends to Namdaemun Market. Pam and friends were amazed with the amount of stuff there was and bought a few things. After getting tired of walking around in the heat I took them to the nearby Shinsaegae Department Store where Gina and Mike found some really good chicken to snack on and Pam bought some scones to snack on. I took Pam and friends to the 12th floor where there was a Starbucks Coffee so we sat down and enjoyed some cold drinks and the air conditioning. At around 5pm we walked to Myeongdong, a few blocks from Namdaemun, where we walked around some more looking at the shops. We met Lauryn in Myeongdong after she finished school and had dinner at the really good dumpling restaurant I mentioned a few posts back. After a good meal I had to go back but made plans to meet again the next day. 

Saturday, July 28th

I met Lauryn, her mother and friends in Gangnam for lunch at an Italian restaurant where I had pasta and pizza (a long time since I have had that). We walked around Gangnam together for a little bit after lunch then I had to leave so that I could meet another friend so that we could go together to a good-bye party for a Korean camp counselor. It wasa nice get together seeing people I have not seen in 2+ years. I stayed the night with one of the staff and his famliy and then left the next day. To meet Lauryn and family again once more before I begin my second week of camp. 

Sunday, July 29th 

After going to church with the SupHo (Korean camp) counselor in Gangnam I made my way to Namsan Tower where I met Lauryn and friends who finished cli,bing to the top of Namsan Mountain. After cooling down a little I took them to Insadong where we had dinner of bulgogi (marinated gilled beef) and kimbop (rice and vegetables rolled in a seaweed wrap). After dinner we walked down Insadong street and browsed at some things for gift ideas. After walking to the end of Insadong we took the subway where Lauryn and friends parted and I went back home. 

Overall it was a busy weekeend but I enjoyed seeing some family on the other side of the world and meeting old friends as well. 

Until next time.... 


Lauryn's Family and Class

첫나들이 캠프 1차


 July 23rd ~ July 26th

첫나들이 캠프 1차 (First Time Camp), this camp had kid in the age range of 1st grade through 3rd grade. My position was mainly behind the scenes doing dishes and cleaning up after each activity. I also was the soccer teacher so I got to run around in the hot summer weather. Because the weather was so hot there were plenty of water games and a pool for the kids to play in to cool down. There was also a nearby stream that the leaders took the kids to and played some more. I can say that it was an overall good first time counselor experience and a good start for the upcoming camps.

Jeung Pyeong- the city where the campsite was

The Turtle Wash House

Meeting Hall

Soccer Field


Places to Sit and Rest - We also set tents up for the kids to sleep for the night

I found his glasses classy

Song Time